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Textarea Autosize

A textarea component for React which grows with content.

The TextareaAutosize component automatically adjust the textarea height on keyboard and window resize events.


  aria-label="empty textarea"
  style={{ width: 200 }}

Minimum height

  aria-label="minimum height"
  placeholder="Minimum 3 rows"
  style={{ width: 200 }}

Maximum height

  aria-label="maximum height"
  placeholder="Maximum 4 rows"
  defaultValue="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
      ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."
  style={{ width: 200 }}


The TextareaAutosize component is defined in the @mui/base package. It is reexported from @mui/material for convenience. In your application you may import it from either package.

import TextareaAutosize from '@mui/base/TextareaAutosize';